Name: Harriman, John Rank: Captain Born: 2258 Origin: Human Place of Birth: New York, New York, Earth Assignment: U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC-1701-B Last Ship: U.S.S. Saratoga NCC-1937 Academy Class: 2278 94th percentile Achievements: Medal of Honor, 2283; Starfleet Citation for Conspicuous Bravery, 2287 Academic performance was in top percentile until final year, when parents died in accidental crash of transport ship on Mars. Cadet Harriman refused one-year leave of absence, completed midshipman cruise aboard U.S.S. Thebes, graduated from Academy. First posting: Starbase 331, supply shuttle pilot. Transferred to starship duty in 2279; assigned as junior helm officer, U.S.S. Tucson. In 2280, Promoted to lieutenant, junior grade. In 2282, transferred to U.S.S. Danforth as senior helm officer. In 2283, promoted to Lieutenant, after leading succesful landing party to rescue downed shuttle crew on a Prime Directive-protected planet with a pre-warp civilization. In 2286, transferred to U.S.S. Midway, as second officer and science officer. Decorated and promoted to lieutenant commander, 2287, after risking life to complete a mission that saved 283 colonists from natural disaster on Cestus IV. In 2289, named first officer of U.S.S. Saratoga by Captain Sevok, promoted to Commander. Served on four-year mission of exploration in Beta Quadrant, cataloging gaseous anomalies and stellar phenomena. In 2293, promoted to captain of U.S.S. Enterprise-B for its maiden voyage. The unfinished ship was unprepared to mount a rescue of the S.S. Lakul, trapped in an anomaly known as The Nexus. With the assistance of Captain Kirk, Harriman saved the Lakul and most of its passengers and crew. Family: Wife, Sloane, son, Ferris, residents Chicago, Illinois, Earth Interests: Starfleet history, trout fishing, 20th-century Italian sports automobiles